
29 September 2010

The Lost Baby Files: Will it be a Boy or Girl!??!

Today is the day. I am so anxious to find out if we are having a BOY or GIRL!! The suspense is killing me. It is funny because this appointment has been scheduled secretly for weeks, although I told anyone who asked that I hadn't scheduled it yet and didn't mind waiting. {Sorry guys, but I am enjoying the secrets this time around. I find it quite amusing to keep, namely our families, in suspense.}

Anyway, truly I didn't mind the wait {I am one of those weirdos that wants to be the last to open her gifts, because once you know you can't go back to the imagining or thrill of the surprise} and by "lying" to everyone it kept my mind off it, that is! Time is standing still.

With Lo I KNEW she was a girl for the second the stick showed a "+" sign. Then the day before her sono, I just got this overwhelming, indescribable feeling she was a girl. This time none of that. I am still going on the record with girl. However, last night a piece of me thought boy for sure. You should have seen Chad's face light up when I said that.

Guess we will find out soon. Very soon!!


So we just got home. It's a BOY! We are so shocked. We both really thought girl, so it seems really weird to be having a boy. Although, it is nice to get one of each!

The only thing is now the sono tech called tonight to tell me, that I need to come back tomorrow to have a doc watch her do the sono because they didn't like one of the pictures she took and they want to watch it in real time. Awesome.
Why can't they just tell you what is going on?!?!

To be continued...


So we went back for the sono this morning. They wanted to look at the brain and kidneys. We still don't know much. They think what they are seeing is a fluke-type thing. Nothing serious. Let's just pray it stays that way. However, we still haven't heard back from our real doctor on his thoughts, so now I wait for that.

This is just hard. If I may be honest, I have felt that something would go wrong with this pregnancy from the beginning. I prayed it wouldn't, but it was just a feeling I had. Everything seemed to be going well, until week 16. I alluded to in the 20 week post, that I was experiencing some problems. What I thought was round ligament pains were in fact contractions. I knew that, I just didn't want to believe it. I have also been having BH contractions like crazy since as well. Come to find out I have a bacterial infection that puts me at risk for pre-term labor, thus probably why I am already experiencing some contracting. There isn't anything to do, but treat the infection and be conscientious at this point. Fine. I can handle that.

Then we go for this 20 week sono and get this news. Why I still don't know if it is good or bad, it is just another check under the "what else can go wrong" category. So God is really not taking away my fear of something going wrong anytime soon. I do trust God and what He is doing in our lives. This is just another test of our faithfulness, no matter the outcome, I KNOW God is in control and I am at peace with that, but it doesn't mean I am not slightly frustrated that things are not going as smoothly as I had hoped.

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