
14 September 2010

The Potty Training Diaries

Dear Diary,
Today marks 3 weeks (and a few days) of potty training. And I can't believe how well she is doing. Just as with any new skill you watch your child master every new day and week brings more mastery, so I guess I shouldn't be amazed. I admit that possibly her age (18 months) has not brought about the quickest of progress of say a 2+ year old, but I can't complain, we are saving tons in diapers for sure.

We are still slightly struggling with outings. I think it is time for me to invest in pull-ups, so when we go to the store it is easier to keep her potty trained then trying to take on and off a diaper at the potty. However, most outings as long as they are quick (ie 1ish hours) she will stay dry.

Recounts of the week:
This weekend we went to the State Fair and I just expected us to have a diaper day and not even attempt to use the potty, however she surprised us all by staying dry and then informing us she needed to go. I couldn't find a potty and the crowds were so thick even once I located it I didn't think we would make it. However, my mom scooped her up and we began shoving through the crowds saying "toddler needs to potty, excuse us..." Can you believe we made it?! She potty the whole day at the fair whenever she needed to go!! This was a turning point for me and I was so proud of her!

She even did really good for her Grandma Rachel when she came over to babysit while I was at work. I was nervous about how she would do...I didn't want Grandma Rachel to have too many messes to clean up, but she did really great, with minimal accidents.

Obviously, I am learning she does the best with me. I don't know if it is because I am the only one who truly understands her or she just wants me to be the one to help her?!

Finally, the other day, I had left her upstairs for a few minutes while I was downstairs doing laundry. I hear a crash and run upstairs to see what she knocked over. I found her with wet panties. However, when I took her to her potty to change her and tell her to potty on the potty I looked down and there was tinkle all around her potty. Bless her heart she went to the potty, but she didn't know how to pull down her panties to go, so she just tinkled through them. I couldn't be "upset" about that, she tried and I was very proud.

This week we are working on that skill. :)

I love seeing the progress and the light switch on from being ok with being dirty or wet to desiring to be clean and dry!

Overall, I am glad I didn't listen to the naysayers out there and went ahead and potty trained her. With kids it is all about expectations, if you expect the best they will give you the best. She will most definitely be 100% potty trained by the time baby Q gets here in 5 months!

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