
31 August 2012

Five{ish} Minute Friday + Fun Friday

It's Friday!
Today was my first day back at the gym in 6 days! And it felt so good. I feel totally energized right now and I have only had 1 cup of coffee. Hmmm. I hurt my shoulder last weekend just randomly. I honestly have no earthly explanation for it and it hurt bad. :( I don't recall, lifting, twisting, pulling, or falling to cause it. So I took it as a sign for a much needed break. Plus, getting up at 530a was starting to get old. Actually, I didn't mind it so much, it is more that MW doesn't take a morning nap hardly anymore and he exhausts me. By 11a I am toast, and just generally not a happy mommy (and we still have 2 hours 'til nap time!)

Soooo I decided to go ahead and sign the kids up for kidzone at the Y. 1. To get a little break from them and let them get out of the house to burn off some of their toddler stink. 2. Mommy is far less tired by going to the Y at 830a.

 However, getting the kids there and back out was nearly a 15 minute cardio session all in itself. I thought I was going to puke. I am starting to get into that HIIT training and tabata workouts, so I guess that means I am doing right. It isn't easy, but it yields good great results, in a short amount of time. Maybe when I get my routine down pat, I will share more of what I am doing. I just love how working out makes you feel.

Also today is Friday Fun Day! I am really trying to have more activities for my kids to do to help break up the day, plus it gives us all something to look forward too. Today's activity was making crayons.

Leighton loved this project. She kept telling me this was so fun! Micah liked to break the crayons. HA!

Once we got the paper off and in the tins we baked them in the oven at 170*F for about 25minutes. Then I let them cool a bit, finishing up the cooling process in the freezer. 20 minutes later they were done and popped right out. My good muffin tin totally fine as the pinnee promised! :)

Sister, why are you so weird?

Finished product

Cool Mom!

I love to color.

So far it has been a fun Friday. The kids are worn out from the kidzone (score!), both are currently napping, my sister Meg is here laughing at her own jokes in the background and Micah has had a phenomenal potty training week. I am not counting my chickens yet, but I am celebrating this week and all his success!

Lo: Mommy I am really sleepy.
M: You are? Why? {this was at 10a)
Lo: I don't know, I think these crayons are getting to my eyes and making me sleepy.
M: Bummer. Guess you will be ready for nap then.
Lo: No. I be fine.

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