
29 August 2012

Just Another Day

As promised {to myself} another day in the life of us post. It is amazing how it feels like so much has changed but it really hasn't...Micah is far more active now and wearing me down faster.
538a--my morning alarm clock goes off. Boo! Hit snooze and then have an internal dialogue with myself about getting up out of bed and going to the gym. You would think after nearly 3 months of this it would be easier. Nope. And inner voice Michele says really not so kind things to me. Alas 3 minutes later I am up.

545a-Leave for the gym.

710a-Home. Usually the kids are up by now. Make breakfast, drink coffee, watch "monkey show" or "Cat in Hat" good times.What is going on in the World? No idea...I don't even know what news is anymore. HA!

745a-Daddy leave for work. Where every day Lo asks "daddy didn't give me high fives?" "That is because he hasn't LEFT yet...he ALWAYS tells you goodbye; doesn't he?" "well, I guess so."

750a-Breakfast is over. Try to wrangle Mogli {aka Micah} and get him dressed, teeth brushed etc. I am pretty much dying for a shower, but it is not in the cards. Lo always emerges from her room completely clothed, headband in and ready to tackle the day. Good girl!

8-11a- At this point it is play time for the kids or fight time as I like to refer to it. Seriously, just GET ALONG ALREADY! {side bar: I am reading this book called "How to make your kids mind, without losing yours!" The bits and pieces I have read said let 'em fight it out. As long as they aren't physically killing each other or damaging your stuff, let them figure it out themselves. Awesome. Will do! So far it works."}

{9a-10a}-- MW "power nap??." This depends on when MW got up (sometimes he is up when I leave for the gym at 545a, just babbling away in his crib--no one gets him until 7a, and he seems cool with that) therefore he may or may not need a "power nap."  He is ONLY  allowed to sleep for 1 hour at best. He has to be up by 10a period. {Mommy needs afternoon nap to HAPPEN with BOTH kids or mommy will not be a happy camper and we all know mommy's just say I had a bad experience one day last week and I do NOT want a repeat of that.}

I also attempt to work on learning activities with Lo during this time. Lots of artsy stuff happens during the morning window.

This is also when I usually get my shower and do "chores" around the house, like check email, FB, blogs, and the occasional load of laundry is started too. :)

they love SID the Science they are doing their journals! HA!

1115a-Lunch time. Now I have TWO helpers trying to make lunch. Thank you Lo for teaching your brother to climb onto the counter.

1145a-1245a-More playing while mommy cleans up the kitchen, un/loads the dishwasher, followed by more "chores" etc.

1p-The angels sing because it is NAP TIME! Sometimes I swear I hear the Hallelujah chorus playing in the background. I take each kid potty, read them 1 book apiece, and then it is "lights out." Leighton though has decided naps are for losers, so she usually plays quietly for 2 hours. This has been going on for nearly 2-3weeks. Of course this week naps are "cool" again. Whatever, as long as I get a break I am happy.

During this time I scrapbook, blog, edit photos, take a nap or anything that re-energizes me.

330/4p--Nap time is over. Snacks are passed out. Jake and the Neverland Pirates blaring on the TV.

430p-Daddy is home! Now that it isn't so blazing hot we can usually be found outside playing with the neighbor kids.
doing a ice break--idea courtesy of my sister.

445p-Start/Finish Dinner.

5-530p-Sit down to eat my delicious crock pot meal of some sort.

530/6p-Clean up dinner/kitchen AGAIN! Baths {daddy's favorite job. :) } every other night or play.

630p-Some nights we go out and play with the neighbors, other nights we take walks down to the stadium to practice our gymnastics :), some nights we stay in eat our chocolate graham crackers and drink stir it up and watch more Jake and the Neverland Pirates. Then it is more play time until bed.

730p- MW is headin' to bed. If Lo did NOT nap she will be heading to be shortly. IF she did nap then she can stay up until 8pish. {Mommy puts MW to bed, Daddy puts Lo to bed. Win-win :)}

830p-10p--finally able to punch out of "work" and relax again. Chad and I love us some Big Brother, so we usually watch that and then I head to bed, after checking my email, blogs and fb, oh and who can forget pinterest. Don't want to miss something! HA!

And that folks is just another day in my life. As usual as soon as I get this all written down things will be changing...especially now that school is back in session and daddy isn't around to help break up the monotony for me. And with MW not really needing a morning nap by 12 I am worn out trying to entertain them both {really just MW, man the old saying that momma's of boys "work from SON UP to SON DOWN" is so very he is exhausting} and keep MW on his potty training streak. 

We are in desperate need of park days, play dates, story times etc. I think I am in such desperate need I am going to switch my gym time to 830a so they can go "socialize" with other kids in the kid zone. That is worth and extra $20/mo to the Y right there...right?!

I would love to hear from some of you on what you do to keep you kids going all day?! 

Well until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Here is your solution for how to entertain the kids and get time for yourself (as you say win win) send them to auntie Misa's for 2 weeks--no seriously, I would love that!!

    p.s I LOVE the bath pics


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