
16 August 2012

MW 19 Months {Watch Me Grow}

Don't you love that I had my kids just one day apart and you get two Watch Me Grow episodes in two days! Probably as much as I love writing them. HA! I want to remember all this stuff because when I go back I am all "really, they did that? I felt that way?! I barely remember that." Which is great that God wipes our memories like that otherwise we would only do this once in most cases. HA! But it is sort of a chore to do...I digress. On to my baby boy who is growing leaps and bounds.

He is smart and he knows it. He is doing everything he should be and more as far as I can tell. So this month I just want to remember all his quirks.

 Cheesing for the camera. Such a ham.

In no particular order here are the--
Anecdotes/Quirky things you do:
*You are into shoes. And not just any shoes--girl shoes. Mommy's flip flops, sissy's sparkly flip flops, mommy's heels, sissy's girly slippers. Now in his defense he gets this shoe obsession from none other than his father--not the girly part, just the shoe part. Some of you who follow me on pinterest know EXACTLY what I am talkin' about.

One day he will hate me for this picture, but he was so cute in my heels and then I realized that he had sissy's trainer underpants on {because the boy ones were in the dryer} it was a make due effort and he has only been in them this once. Promise. Still funny though and a GREAT blackmail picture. :)

*Still on your paci--I have plenty of time before Kindergarten to wean him don't worry. However, you love for me to rinse it off and give it to you full of weird. Also, you only get paci when you are sleeping. See progress from last month when he got to have it all.the.time. So in the morning or after nap you hand me your paci and place your little hand on the side of your head to sign "sleep" as if to say "only when I sleep momma." However, sometimes the separation is a bit too much and you must suck on each paci, you have 2, just for a quick second more before tossing them on the dresser.

Please note this is a "play" paci.
 He is VERY particular to his 2 pacis he has, so he doesn't use this one for long.

* You love to give people "pound its." {the fist bump thing}

*You love books now and by love I mean you are sitting and listening to them now. Your current favs are "Mommy Loves Me" {we hold hands while we read it--insert melted heart} and a Mickey Mouse Choo Choo book.  I catch you a lot of time after nap just sitting in your bed reading your books. Much like your sissy you have taken to sleeping with them. You also go around saying "read dat/dis book."

*When you have a stinky diaper I tell you to march to your room and get fresh. You start stomping yelling "mar, mar, mar." 

*You are still a climbing fool. It is enough to drive me mad. Most days I just watch it happen. There is no stopping you. What can I say you have clearly been raised by wolves monkeys.

*You have started kissing the characters in books, especially the giraffes. Of course mommy still gets snubbed when it comes to kisses. :(

You stayed up SO late {ie 830p--such a night owl HA!} just playing and playing in the sand. 
Of course the next morning you were up talking in your crib by 545a when I left for the gym, but whatev you had fun.

*Ok seriously, what is up with Elmo? There has got to be some kind of Jedi mind control he uses on kids to suck them in. Lo is pretty much "over" Elmo. We hardly watch him at all or speak of him. We have a few Elmo things around, but they don't seem like they are played with too much. Alas, you are into Elmo. You sing "Lalala," shout "ELmo" {not melmo like most kids} when you find an Elmo toy or book. You promptly picked out an Elmo movie at the library yesterday to watch. When I put it on you were enraptured. Seriously kid? I don't know there is something fishy here. ;)

Future ::insert famous bball player, b/c mommy doesn't know any here::

*You have a jealous streak. If I love on sissy you have to be loved on. If I try and walk another baby around the kitchen, you need me to hold your hands and walk around the kitchen and so on. Cute?! No.

*Finally, FINALLY FINALLY! You are holding my hand! You are so independent that the thought of holding my hand or anyone's for that matter was like torture. You want to walk places, but then you won't hold a you do and it is so sweet. I love the way your little hand fits in mine. I love that you grab my hands to "drag" me somewhere to "show" me something.

*A moth to a flame. PB to jelly. Teachers and summertime. And you and water. All things that go hand in hand. If you see a hose, sprinkler, puddle, and/or pool you are in it. Who cares if you are in your jammies ready for bed, the neighbor is watering his lawn, sure go run through it! Oy!


* Finally playing more independently of me and playing more with your sister or just by yourself. HUGE milestone for mommy!
 You heart airplanes.

*Favorite sentence: "Where dadDE go?"
Again having one child who said practically nothing until she was 21-24 months to having one who completely speaks his mind is a mind blowing experience. Not sure yet which I prefer, although I am leaning toward the communicator, at least I know what he wants 85% of the time. You are at the point now you just repeat pretty much everything you hear instantly. This morning Lo was watching PBS kids and that yucky bug lady came on. She yells "BUG OFF BUG LADY!" and the next thing you hear is Micah yelling "BA OV BA BADY" Hilarious! {You probably had to be there}.

You always say "dank do" whenever you are given something. So sweet, and at least you got your sissy saying it again, so props to you MW!

All day you go around saying "where go" and mommy has to remember what you were last playing with to know where IT went and then find it. You do try to help and give context clues, but sometimes it is a struggle to keep track of all you play with in a day!

Sleeping: We are almost down to one nap! Woot woot! I really have a whole post I want to do on that. This has been challenging in so many ways. While I am ready I am not sure I am ready. HA! We are on day 2 of this new nap schedule thing. All I can say is it is going.  Bedtime routine is the same as last month. {7/730pish-7aish} If I put him down later than that he is up at 545a when I leave for the gym. Go figure. I told you sleep begets sleep...just have to find that sweet sleep window.

*I would like to give you props for going to bed; {knock on wood} never have you been fussy or scream or cry when I put you to bed. Once you are in you are in and you play until you fall asleep and when you wake up you play until I come get you. Sissy not so much. She goes in cycles with that. So on those 545a mornings you play and talk, maybe even fall back to sleep for a bit until 715a when I or daddy comes to get you.

Temperament: Happy for the most part. Communicating has been key. You hate being told "no" but who doesn't?!

I love you love bear! Happy 19 months!

Can you say stud muffin?! I know I am bias, but come on.
He has that whole smoldering GQ thing going on.


  1. Michele-------SERIOUSLY this kid is to die for!! I HEART him!! He is super duper smart! It just makes me smile from ear to ear reading these:) I hand on every word and then it gets to the end and I am dying for more! Love you all!

  2. Elmo uses his Jedi mind tricks on my babies too! lol.

  3. Your kiddos will be so glad you have all this documentation one day. They will have happy times reading it. Yes, it he a "stud muffin." Happy weekend!


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