
19 August 2012

Kids Say The Darndest Things...

M: We are going to have laZAGna for dinner tonight.
Lo: no mommy, it's laSAGna.
M: Oh OK laZAGna. ;)
Lo: mommy say it slowly with me la-sag-na.
M: la-sag-na.
Lo: good job mommy!

M: Ok peeps it is time to lock and load.  
{time to leave in mommy crazy talk}
MW: la lo


Leighton hurt her hand doing who knows what...
Lo: ::with head bowed and eyes squeezed shut::
Dear God please heal up my hand. Amen.


We are leaving for Saturday night church and I have on a "stylish" jacket because it is sub par in the sanctuary. Lo insists on wearing a jacket too.
Daddy: Lo why do you have a jacket on?
Lo: Because I want to look stylish. Yeah, I look stylish. 
{BAHAHA where does she come up with this stuff...I never once said I looked stylish or had on a stylish jacket. Oh sweet little fashionista.}


It's breakfast time.
Daddy: What do you want for breakfast Lo?
Lo: cereal.
::Daddy proceeds to get the cereal out...::
Lo: No NO! I want toast now. I change my mind. It ok.
::Daddy realizing girls always can change their minds, even at 3::


M: I love you Micah Bear
MW: I wub ju
One of the first "I love yous" melts your heart every.single.time.


Mommy singing a lively rendition of the veggie tale theme song.
Lo: Mommy what was that?
M: I was trying to sing to you.
Lo: oh.


M: Gymnastics starts again soon. Did you miss it?
Lo: Yes, SO much. I love gymnastics (and cucumbers). Why does things have to go away sometims?
M: ::um, is this suppose to be a great theological question that I should try and answer?! crickets crickets what to say...quick::
I don't know it's frustrating isn't? ::whew. Good answer. {not} good thing she is 3.::
Lo: Yes, it's fustating.


We finally are getting cooler days and mornings. Praise Jesus!!!!
Lo: Mommy it's not too hot. Let's go to the park!
M: I said we would go later. Daddy is coming home for lunch soon.
Lo: Oh man! Well let's eat lunch after I go to the silverleaves. {she means facilities--our pc word for bathroom.} HA!


It was a rainy day {again PRAISE JESUS we are in a desperate Sarhara kind of desert drought here}
Lo: Maybe after everything dries up after nap we can go to the P-L-O-C-K-D-E. {Park} 
My spelling lessons really paying off. HA!


Playing with her dolls. Next thing I hear is her "cell phone" conversation with someone.
Lo: sorry we are going to be late for the party. We ran out of gas. Be there soon. Bye.
M: what?! You ran out of gas?!
Lo: Well we didn't. The horsey did.
M: Um, ok. Well do you have far to walk?
Lo: No the party is just right there. {two steps down the hall}
Can I just say, never once have we ever ran out of gas, come close, but never ran out. I don't even begin to pretend to know where this "storyline" comes from. I find myself constantly asking "where did she come up with this stuff?!"

This one makes my heart happy because she recognized her bad attitude and corrected it on her OWN! 
Leighton was obsessing about her socks and how they weren't on "right" I calmly explained that what she wanted to happen wasn't going to work. She ran off pouting, crying and yelling.
A bit later she returns.
Lo: Mommy, I am sorry for yelling at you and having a bad attitude. 
M: Oh thank you baby for saying sorry. I am proud of you for recognizing that.


  1. What a clown!! I love it!! I love all these stories/convo's

  2. Simply unbelievable..., doing handsprings at your age, can the 'Senior Olympics' be far off ?
    At least your outside, how many light fixtures have been 'sacrificed', in your younger years ?

    All those comments and 'storyline' Lo comes up with must be from Chad's side because nobody on your side has any sort of imagination....umm, or not !!



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