
10 August 2012

Summer Catch All

Mommy: Leighton is summer over now?
Lo: Well, I guess so.

Yep summer is quickly coming to an end. Daddy is already heading back to work, slowly. Don't want to over do it. HA!
 Mommy on the other hand is ready to give summer a swift kick in the pants. I love back to school time; it signals a new start and routine. I have no idea why summer brings about a totally lack of respect for my well crafted routine during the year? I would like to blame Chad, but I have noticed lots of moms feel this way and they aren't married to teachers, so....who knows, probably just the freedom that summer brings--late nights, fun and games.
Plus I won't cry when the cooler crisp air hits either. This summer has once again been too hot. I feel like I am going mad couped up in our house We all are probably on each others' last good nerve at this point. I hate that we can't be out playing or going to the park and burning off this toddler stink. At least this week is cooling down to the mid to low 90s, talk about a cold front, might need to bust out my jacket. HA!

So anyway here is a blog dump of some of our summer activities I never blogged about.

{ONE} My sister came home at the end of June to celebrate Hollis' One Year Birthday! You can see her amazing party she pulled off {HERE}. It was monkey themed, so of course we had to dress the part. And look at Lo's hair! This was about a week before we went all short. She looks so different now.

At the party we realized that all the great-grandchildren were present. A feat that is rarely obtained as my cousin's family is military and currently stationed in HI! {rough life right?!};) So we attempted a photo. Attempted being the operative word...Chad seriously snapped 30+ pics and these are the 3 "best." What can you expect from 6 kids under 3.5 and one 6 year old in 100*+ heat at 4p?!

{TWO}Leighton was going through a {short-lived} phase of being uber clean. She would go around cleaning everything and picking up rooms. One morning she disappeared to her room forever and this is what I found:
She had made her bed, picked up her clothes, toys and books. She was just proud as punch and so was I, while it lasted. :)

{THREE} Do kids have a technology class they take in Heaven before they come to Earth? I mean seriously. She loves to make "chickens" on daddy's phone. Chickens being the smiley faces you add to your message. She just types away. Ah the life of a toddler.
{FOUR} Last week it was much cooler in the morning, as opposed to the 85* at 545a I usually experience on my way to the gym. So we jumped at the chance to take the kids to the park! They love it there, even Micah who yells "ARK, ARK" as soon as it is in view. He is even getting easier to deal with at the park as he can climb and play on most of the equipment with little help.

Practicing our gymnastic moves.
Cute, per usual.

More gymnastic stunts.

Even cuter.

Overall, it has been a good summer. It is nice having family time and getting a little break from the kids every once in awhile. I am looking forward to hopefully going somewhere next summer {anywhere really}, as the kids should be able to travel well, be potty trained and not needing so many naps!

So yeah for back to school time!


  1. And I say: Boo, that summer is over. :( That's the first summer I've said that in a long time. But it is true that routine goes out the window with summer. Crazy how that works!

  2. LOVE the monkey party! I have been toying with the idea of a monkey party for my little guy who will be 9 months tomorrow (I know it seems early, but the first year as a BIG deal, right?!). Love seeing your kiddos!


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