
20 August 2012

Yeah I can't believe I did this...

So last week my friend who is 1 year younger than me with 2 kids the same age as mine {B/c that is important} :)} HA! Was on her family vacay and did a running backhandspring on the beach. So I couldn't let her "show" me up. HA! And I wondered if I could still do it with out landing in the ER...

Yeah, I just did that. I just kept remembering how back in my glory days I could go non-stop...yeah, that ain't happenin', maybe if I was on an actual gymnastic floor?!? Hmmm....
Now I will be surprised if I get up and make my 530a workout tomorrow?!?


  1. It is awesome but darn you for being all skinny and springy. Just loading my three kids in the van and getting groceries makes me tired, plus then I need chocolate to reward myself for surviving the outing. ;)You'll probably still be doing this at 39. :)


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