
14 June 2010

Miscellany Monday

I am just going to jump right in:

1. I like blog "topics" sometimes it really helps me focus my thoughts and slows down all the thoughts racing a 110mph through my brain. It is exhausting at times.

2. I am stressin' big time lately. And God is working on my heart in regards to that BIG time lately. This weekend at church we talked about the battle of "good" (Christ) vs. "evil" (our sin nature) going on inside of us. It was good to realize I am not alone in that, but a little depressing to me knowing that this war will never be over until I am with Jesus...I just have to keep winning little battles against my sin nature. Currently today sin nature is winning. And I don't like it!!!

3. On a positive note my littlest sister came over this weekend and we made Twilight Eclipse shirts. She is such a great artist so her's is awesome. Mine, well I just wanted to be clever. But for the record I am Team Edward and she is Team Jacob. If you don't get that well, then you might as well just skip over this point. I get the privilege to go with all her teeny bopper friends opening night at 12am! I better start napping now.

4. I have lost our routine. I had high hopes that when Chad was home for the summer things would get better and run smoother. Quite the contrary. The house is falling apart, I haven't worked out in 2-3 weeks, and our menu is anything but desirable. So I resolve to get on top of it again starting in July. I will be done with my 5 days of work for the quarter then, so hopefully I can get us back into the swing of things.

5. I have an old fashion prayer journal. It has been neglected. Not the praying part just the updating part. I like to keep track of when God answers prayers and all the praises I have. So I have decided to create a PRIVATE prayer blog. No one will see it except me. Which brings me to this a blog friend of mine wrote about prayer HERE and I feel the exact same way. So if any one has prayer requests they want me to pray for and add to my PRIVATE journal feel free to email me at mkeethler(at)gmail(dot)com.

6. I will close this crazy random miscellany Monday with this. Hot showers are the best. I seriously could take 2 or 3 a day. It is a refuge for me. It is where I love to think and pray and wash all my cares away. Who is with me? :)

Well, happy Monday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Love your shirts! I actually bought a Team Edward shirt on clearance at Target last week. All set for the movie! :)


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