
31 August 2010

Blessing Box

Every week over at Extraordinary Love, Natalie host the Blessing Box. It is really such a great way to pause and be thankful for all the small (and Big) things in our lives. It always makes me think of that song "count your blessings name them one by one..." So onto a few of my blessings for the week.

1. Clothes and Stuff. This may sound trite, but I find myself complaining a lot about my clothes and how I need "new" ones etc etc. However, this past weekend I went through my closet and pulled out a bunch of stuff I no longer wear, it is all still very nice and hopefully, will bring new joy to someone else. Clearly, I have enough and there are plenty of people who would be ever so grateful to have what I have.

Also, we have some really awesome friends in our lives that have ever so graciously allowed us to borrow their daughters' baby/toddler clothes. Seriously, my daughter is dressed summer-winter-spring and fall until she is 4! (and she is currently 18 months!!) Do you even know how much money this saves us?!?! Not to mention other friends who have let us borrow other very expensive baby items. In all honesty because of their generosity, our little budget has hardly been "burdened" by the cost of a new baby.

2. Job. I work as a part time dietitian consultant. I am just so blessed to have a little job come my way where I can use my brain for something other than mommy stuff. It has been fun to get out of the house for a few hours and work and do my thing.

3. My daughter's love. This might sound silly, but I love when Lo returns my deep affection for her. As I mentioned above I am back to work for a few days. She and her grandma are having a fabulous time, but you have no idea how good I felt when I walked through the door and her face lit up and she ran to hug me tight!!!! I love it.

4. Prayer. I am so thankful to God for this lifeline to Him. I love the feeling I get after praying and feeling my burdens lifted. I also love watching God work through prayer and seeing His answers. The power of prayer amazes me, it seems way to simple to produce such amazing results!

To check out other's blessings or link up your own click on the icon above!


  1. This is so awesome. I have to remember not to complain, as well! God is so good! Thanks for that reminder :)

  2. Hi, I'm over form EOL. What great blessings! Congrats on your pregnancy!

  3. Wow, how amazing to get all of that baby stuff!!! : ) I can only imagine how much money you must be saving!
    I love that you are thankful for prayer! That is so true-what would we do without it?!?
    Thanks for linking up! Have a wonderful night!

  4. This entry brought a smile to my face. We should all make an all out effort to list our blessings. We are all so blessed and all because of His love for us. A wonderful week to you!


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