
28 August 2010

The Potty Training Diaries

Dear Diary,
We are now embarking on the (hopefully rewarding-- yes, it will be...someday...) uber challenging task of potty training. ::heavy sigh:: While I knew this would be challenging and require patience I do not currently (or probably ever) possess, I honestly had no idea how challenging it was/is going to be. It is kind of like before you have your first baby and everyone around you tells you how much your life is about to change...and you are like "I get it, I know my life will be different, just shut up already..." (or maybe that was just me?!) Anyways, then your baby comes and you then realize how right they were, you were oblivious. That is potty training.

Sporting our "Big Girl" Panties

Around 16 months I started talking to Lo about going potty in the big girl potty, since let's be honest I haven't gotten to potty by myself for over a year. She took right to it. She was so excited about using a big girl potty. She was very interested. So a few weeks a month later I finally bought a big girl potty chair. She was in 7th heaven. She loved that thing and played with it, AND most importantly wanted to sit on it. We toyed around with potty training to see and I felt like she was ready.

At 17 months we finally had some time at home and started this daunting process. My patience was not good, nor helpful to this process. She knew what to do. She would hold her potty for 2+ hours, but the second we would put her in big girl panties she would pee! grrr. After about 4 days of her being "stubborn" about it, I gave up. I know my daughter. She ::cough. like her daddy:: refuses to do anything that isn't her idea or choice. It doesn't matter how right mommy is or how smart they are they just "do what they want." The MOST frustrating quality they each possess!!

Now here we are at 18 months. I got a bunch of good tips and ideas on potty training from some awesome moms and it seems to be working. I also got a good helping of grace and mercy from God flowing through me too!

Today is Saturday. I told her she was a Big Girl and diapers are for babies. I put big girl panties on her and praised her every 5 minutes if her panties were dry. If she wet in them (which she did 4x) she has to go to the potty and practice pulling them up and down 10x (actually mommy does this part). After a few accidents she went to the potty a few times!!!! She was so excited to get M&Ms for going Big Girl!!!

I am so proud of her. I am hoping we can get this thing done in the next few days! And definitely before baby Q arrives. I only want to diaper one bottom! I know she can do it and I really think we may have turned the corner. ::fingers crossed::

I know this was long, but hopefully, we mommies can help each other with these "tasks." I will gladly take any tips or advice I can get. I plan to keep updating this to help future potty trainers and trainees out there. :)


  1. Keep it up!! You rock!!
    I haven't posted about it because I don't want to jinx myself... but Avery was so interested that we got her a potty, too. She askes to go in it and even tells me she wants to poop in the potty (which is nice for cloth diapers :)). Now, it's not every time, and sometimes she tells me she wants to go, then when she sits down, she says "all done potty" and won't go. Harumph. All that to say - I have NO idea what I'm doing!! I don't want to rush her, but I feel like she could be ready...??? Please keep posting - I appreciate all your tips!! :) Good job, Leighton!!!!!

  2. Wow! Good job Leighton! (And Michele, too!) I plan on getting the same potty chair when I get back to GA and will definitely be seeking out your advice/tips for how it worked with Leighton!! Hopefully she keeps up the good work!

  3. Keep us posted, I too would like to have Whitney potty trained before baby 2. Whitney will be 21 months then, so fingers crossed. Last week I started putting Whitney on the toilet and she's peed about 4 out of 10 times. Right now it's just introducing her to it after bath time and during diaper changes, but she loves to sit there and wipe and flush! I may take advice when we get serious in a couple of months!


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