
10 March 2011


I realize yesterday was the first day of Lent. A lot of Christians alike give something up in honor of Lent. Rarely do I participate because I just never really understood how me giving up chocolate or soda really mattered or truly constituted a "sacrifice" for my Lord in comparison to the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made for me.

However, as of late, even before this season leading up to Easter entered my mind I have felt the Holy Spirit calling me to fast. I wrestled with this because I just can not truly fast right now, as in go without eating for a few days, due to being a nursing momma. I need all I can eat right now to keep up with Micah. So I kept shooing the Holy Spirit away, much like you would a fly buzzing annoyingly around your head. Surely, this is not what God really wanted me to do.

Then I read this post by my friend Kelley, who in my opinion, always writes on such topics in such an articulate way.

"I want him to be able to really lay something down at the feet of the King Most High. So that at the end of the fasting God will reveal Himself in new ways to him. That he will be changed by the sacrifice he made and he will see Jesus' sacrifice on the cross even more powerfully. "

Those sentences just resonated with me. Lent is about seeking God, not just giving up chocolate or soda to say I sacrificed something.

A few months ago many of you may remember I gave up Facebook for a whole month, it was taking over my life. That was the most refreshing month ever, I almost considered not going back, but as "addiction" would have it, it slowly crept back into my life.

Which brings me to my "fasting" and "sacrifice." I will be giving up facebook and mindlessly searching and following blogs during this season. {I will still be blogging about my life and checking on close friends' blogs, just to clarify}. I truly feel this was the sort of "fasting" God has been laying on my heart. I need to spend this time focusing on God's plan for my/our future and less time wondering what the latest is on facebook. I want to seek God's will for my life and anxious to see what He reveals to me during this time.

10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
Psalms 46:10


  1. Michele.. I had to post because our sermon was about just this. And in my women's bible study we were challenged this lent to "let Martha rest and be Mary at the feet of Jesus"..
    I love the idea of it and the challenge too!

  2. The internet can suck so much productivity out of a day!!! I logged on to facebook today for the first time in days and wondered why???? Nothing I can't live without!! You'll enjoy your time!!!


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