
16 March 2011

Micah 2 Months {Watch Me Grow}

Micah, you are two months old today. I just love you so much more than I could fathom. I just want you to know that, because a lot of days you may not know it. I know you won't remember these early days, but I do. Some days I am so sad because I can't give you all the hugs, kisses and cuddles you deserve, since I have your big sister to divide my time with. But you are handling it well, I guess you knew that was the plight of the second born.

I still take time to marvel at your handsome little face when we do have our quiet nursing moments, you know at 2am. You are growing and changing so fast. You seem so big to me, but really to most you just look like a normal newborn, since technically you should only be 4-5 weeks old. However, so far you have needed zero age-adjustment for your skill level.

You are already:
  • giving real smiles. Just on Saturday {Mar 12} you smiled at me as I spoke to you three times. It just made my day, especially after a particularly long night with you.
  • starting to coo a little
  • batting at your toys in your play gym
  • hold your head up with zero support for quiet some time, I might be able to bust out the bumbo soon. ;)
  • rolling over, not as much as an older baby would, but you still do it fairly consistently, but more now only when you are ticked than happy.
This video was taken when he was 2 weeks old.
  • are still unsure of the paci. Sometimes you take it other times you look at me like "Hey! that isn't what I want. I want skin to skin contact mommy!" So more often then not mommy finds herself once again being the paci. Hooray! {please note the sarcasm}.

  • you nurse every 2-2.5 hours during the day and average 3 hours at night, although there have been a few blissful 4 hour stretches mixed in.
  • nursing is better. Still not great. You seem to think mommy is a "sip 'n save," but we are working through this.
  • you are experiencing a lot of digestive issues and hopefully we can get to the bottom of this. There is too much projectile vomiting for my taste. Therefore, the doc is putting you on Zantac for awhile to see if that will help. I am doubtful, yet hopeful all at the same time.
You like to watch TV with daddy. :)

The infamous wagon/stroller picture a few have inquired about.
We are using this awesome wagon as our "double stroller" if you will, since Lo is old enough to walk most everywhere we go, and chooses to walk. Most of our outings include walks around the park, zoo, fair etc. And stores we just use the shopping carts. I haven't even been to the mall in years. So this works for us and in just a few very short months MW will be able to sit up in the wagon sans car seat anyway, so why bother with the hassle of a big bulky double stroller.

  • you still do this pretty well in this department. Not as sleepy as you use to be during the day, but that is ok.
  • you are a tummy sleeper. You don't even know how to sleep on your back. So unlike other babies you get "back time" vs. "tummy time" in the play gym. HA! No you still get both because you need to be awake to develop those tummy/arm muscles.
  • good news is you are weaned out of the swing for nighttime sleeping, and honestly rarely nap in it. {I think it is the sleeping on the back thing is why you no longer enjoy the swing}. I learned that lesson with your sister. I am teaching you to nap/sleep anywhere!!
  • Mommy is ready for longer nighttime when do you think you will consistently do 5+ hour stretches?!
Even has to sleep on his tummy in the boppy. So stinkin' cute.


This is how you felt after your 2 month shots.
While not shown, you were pretty fussy for the rest of the evening. :(
  • I haven't been peed on this month...maybe I am getting better at this boy thing. ;)
  • But I have been pooped on thanks to those delightful diaper blowouts. Gross. I so forgot all about that. Probably doesn't help that you have no derriere, so nothing to keep it in. HA!
  • Wt check at 1 month: 8# 9z ( you really porked it on)
  • you are in a size 1 diaper. They are a bit large, but going with what we have, since Newborns seem a bit snug. Also helps with the aforementioned diaper blowout situation.
  • You now pretty much hate the swing and love your bouncer. Crazy, because with your sister I would have not survived with out that blessed swing, and she could have cared less about the bouncer. You two are so different, definitely NOT two peas from the same pod. HA!
"I'm a Rock Star, I've got my Rock Moves..."
  • wear NB to 0-3 month clothes. You are just so tall. I am sad because I am already putting away your clothes. I never really had to do that with Lo. I only put away her clothes because the season changed, and most of the time I can get them out for the next year. So this is "sad" for mommy.
  • You are such a happy baby, most of the time, but sometimes you like to remind what a colic baby is like. I guess so I appreciate you more, but honey that isn't necessary I already appreciate you plenty!

Wt: 10# (so you have just doubled your birth weight) 19%
Ht: 22inches
You are my growing big boy!!

I love you Micah Wyatt!
Happy TWO Months!!

1 comment:

  1. I think our babies are the same people!! Swing sleepers, sip n saves, usually no longer than 3 hrs at night... I'm having bf issues with this one, which is totally annoying since Whitney was a pro. Ellie seems to be a lazy sucker. Any who... can't believe your little man is 2 months!!

    Looks like the girls had lots of fun together, priceless!


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