I am super tired {because some of us think it is fun to wake up every 2.5 hours...} and have no motivation to type this, but seeing as how this is my family's record book it must be done, and in a timely fashion. So my sweet darling children, here is a recap of Easter 2011.
Micah this was your FIRST Easter and "real" holiday. I don't count Valentine's Day or St. Patty's Day as "real" holidays. You really had so much fun...watching your sister tear into all your gift and steal your eggs. Don't worry you will get her next year. :)
Good Friday:
Lo and I made the Resurrection cookies Friday night since the whole Easter weekend was booked. She had a fairly good time, but I just couldn't engage her in the Easter story and she got really bored waiting for the egg whites to peak.

Easter with my side:
The run down is we got together with my extended family so there could be lots of kids there to hunt eggs and play with. I am still sad my sister's family couldn't be apart of it. A piece of us was missing. Plus, my cousin and her family are being deployed to Hawaii (how sad for them right?!) ;) in a few short months, so we are enjoying the little cousins playing as much as we can right now.
First up Egg Hunt:

It was cold and I am a bad mommy and forgot to dress him appropriately. :/
For a "cool down" the decided they should jump around in this awesome bounce house.
How cool is this thing? And of course my "little bounce house" loved it.

We closed the evening with my cousin doing the resurrection eggs with the kids. She did a phenomenal job. This is where I seriously lack as a mother. I have zero teaching ability and would not have made this object lesson near as fun and interesting to them as she did. Lo seemed to actual understand the Easter message at the end. Wow! It was a beautiful {and hysterical, but you have to know my family} moment.

Easter Sunday:
The Easter bunny came!

Dressed in our finest. Ha! Why does every Easter have to be so cold here? I was glad my make-shift outfit for Lo to keep her warm still looked cute.
Off to church for an amazing Easter service, of course I spent most of church in the children's cry room with Micah, but it was still a good message.
Then we headed over to Grammy Rachel and Tom's house for Easter lunch.
Lo had her egg hunt and opened up her Easter goodies from them.

My MIL bought this fun decorating kit to decorate eggs with...I may or may not have been having more fun than Lo.

Micah you napped...forever...finally I just woke you up so you could open up your gifts. Little did we realize Lo felt it necessary to open up your stuff for you. Oh well, you needed the help. :)
We had a great and blessed weekend. This year I was really struck by the sacrifice our Savior made for us. Sometimes I just take it for granted what He did on that cross and how painful that sacrifice was. He could have stopped it at any time, but He didn't because He loves us that much. Having kids gives you this teeny tiny glimpse at that kind of love, but we can never fully understand what that kind of love is. Amazing love is right.

What cute pictures. I especially liked the lamb cake. How cute!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures! Umm, are you sure you just had a baby? You look GREAT!