
09 June 2009

4 month Check-up

Well today was our 4 month well baby check-up. Leighton did great (you know except for the shots part)! She seems to really like the doctor's office, it is weird. She even rolled over from back to tummy for the doctor, he is pretty sure she is going to start crawling soon since she can roll all the way from tummy to back to tummy again...not sure my feelings on that yet.

Anyway my biggest concern this time around was her chronic, massive amounts of spitting up that occurs after practically every feeding! I am talking 2+ ounces! Plus, colic is not really ending so I am pretty sure we are dealing with infant reflux. Now that she is 4 months old we can start introducing rice cereal. I wanted to wait until 6 months, but since she STILL isn't sleeping through the night, I may give it a try! Either way the rice cereal, as most of you know should help her on both counts. However, if the spitting up doesn't slow down she will get on zantac, so we shall see.
Overall, I am just thankful to have a healthy, mostly happy (we are getting better), beautiful baby girl! She just lights up my world and I am so very thankful to be at home with her everyday to watch her grow and change!

Leighton at 16 weeks
she is smiling at her goofy mommy!

Here are the 4 month stats:

Weight: 13 lbs, 8oz (60th%) So thankfully we are starting to thin out a bit, that and we spit-up most of our feedings, but either way she is doing great in the weight category!

Height: 22 and 3/4 inches (9th%)! She is a SHORTY! My sister's baby girl at 8 weeks is 23 inches! Just seem crazy how Lo who is 7 weeks OLDER could be SHORTER.

Head Circumference: 15 and 1/4 inches (5th%) I guess she finally made it onto the growth chart here. I suppose looking back I am glad she had a small head :)


  1. SUCH a cute picture!! I'm glad all went well at the docs - and hopefully she isn't too sore from the shots. :( I can't imagine how you feel about the spitting up - when Avery spits up even just a little bit I'm like "hey - that is precious stuff, don't waste it!" ha ha. I hope it gets better - I'm anxious to hear how the rice cereal goes. :) You're doing a great job - Leighton is blessed to have you as her mom. :)

  2. Jake spit up his entire feedings, it seemed. I literally fed him with a towel right next to me. And, if I was paying enough attention, I could prevent a complete change of clothes for both of us. It will get better. Hang in there!

  3. Thanks guys! She actually doesn't seemed to bothered by the shots, which is good for me.

    Ginger--I think the same thing! I am like don't waste my good milk! You wouldn't believe how much of the "good milk" I have stored in the freezer and since she isn't big on bottles I told her she will get it poured on her cheerios (when we reach that stage! :) ) She WILL drink every last drop! :)

    Gina-you would think I would have learned by now to have a towel handy, but I haven't! We are always drenched...some days I am not sure it is worth it to change! :) Sometimes she opens her mouth wide smiling and I can see a bunch of milk ready to be spewed out, so I just stick the burp cloth in her mouth to start soaking it up. What a mess we are.


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