
15 June 2009

4 months old

I can not believe she is 4 months old already! (I know I start every monthly update that way, but I just can't believe it). She is changing so much and so quickly it is hard to keep up with her. And I know in the coming months even MORE changes are going to happen. It just keeps getting more and more exciting and more and more fun!!! She is just developing into such a little person.

Here is a LONG** list of all the great and fun things she is doing and learning:
** Warning this is a REALLY LONG post, and it is mostly for my benefit. Read if you have LOTS of time! :)

*Greatest feat, rolling ALL THE WAY OVER! From tummy to back to tummy again! This was exciting for me. I just love watching her do it, it just makes me proud. Hey, some babies sleep through the night but mine can roll over, so watch out world her comes Leighton! :)

*She can hold your hands and pull herself up into a sitting position, and then sit for a bit slightly supported.

*She also will stand for a really long time as long as you are holding her hands obviously.

We affectionately call these her "thunders"

*She just "talks" up a storm. (I have NO IDEA where she gets that from, she comes from such a quiet and reserved family ;) Hahahaha! ) I have been waking up to her "talking" and giggling in her crib lately. One of my friends say she is "talking with Jesus," and I like that, so that is what I believe she is doing. Either way it is such a wonderful sound to wake up to, beats the alarm clock!
(I tried to upload a clip of her "talking" but it wouldn't load, so perhaps another day!)

*She also is a HUGE CLOWN! Just like her daddy! She smiles and laughs a real little person's laugh all the time! It sure makes all those colicky days disappear in your mind.

Mommy loves giraffes, so when I saw this outfit I just had to have it.

*We are really starting to get into tummy time. She reaches for her toys and actually can hold and grasp some of them. Plus, being able to "crawl" around on the mat and roll around helps too! It really allows me a few quick moments to get stuff done. She especially enjoys tummy time if the TV is on! Gosh, I know...this kid is already a TV addict (must get this from Grammy Jeanne and Aunt Meg ;) )

Here she is lounging and watching TV with daddy!

*She has found her hands and loves to suck on them ALL THE TIME, along with her poodle.

*Still an erratic sleeper! No consistency in when and where she will sleep or is to one day sleeping through the night indefinitely! This is the hardest thing for me personally to deal with especially when all my friends' babies who are younger are already doing it...come on Lo join the crowd!!!!

If you made it to the bottom of this list congrats! I know it is long (and this post was mostly for me) because I just don't want to forget anything. Sadly I am bad about updating her baby book, so at least I have this to look back on!
I can't wait to see what great developmental milestones she reaches in another month!

Happy 4 Months Lo!


  1. I like reading these updates (probably because I do the same thing!). I'm bad at updating the baby book too and find it's much easier to write down all the monthly accomplishments on the blog. :-)

    Yeah for rolling over! She's doing so good and is so cute! I love her smiles. I remember being so thankful when Ori started smiling and laughing because it made the hard parts of the day so much better. And now he hasn't stopped! And it is hard when you have friends whose babies are sleeping all night and yours isn't. I felt that too with the same topic. She'll get there (and it is AMAZING!!!)!

    She's a cutie!

  2. Jeremiah and I really enjoyed the rolling over video. He was clapping and cheering right along with you at the end, and he wanted to watch it again! Cute!


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