
06 June 2009

The Dog Whisperer

This weekend we have had an extra friend over.

Meet "Riley," (this is what we are calling her, since we don't know what her real name is).

She is a super sweet and loving little dog and if it weren't for the fact we already had TWO other dogs we probably would try to keep her, but since she is the neighbors they may figure it out! OR they may not since they have 5 other wiener dogs and a boxer!!! Seriously, I don't know what it is about THAT house but who ever lives there ALWAYS has WAY TOO MANY dogs!!! But I digress.

Anyway our neighbors aren't home evidently and their little one keeps escaping and we can't figure out from where?! We keep putting her back over the fence and then an hour later she comes running around to our house!

As you can see my husband has jimmy rigged a bucket to get her over the fence safely! Due to the fact that we can't get their back gate open. He is such a softie for dogs!

Step 1 get dog into the bucket.

Step 2 lower dog over the fence "safely".

I am pretty impressed with my photography skills...I just stuck the camera over the fence and just keep clicking!


Oh well, hopefully her real family will be home soon!

Here is my DoG WisPheREr!

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious Michele!! I love the bucket system!


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