
18 October 2011


On the 11th I turned 29.
I decided the reason I dread 30 is that I think that makes me a real adult. Not a young adult, a "crazy" 20 year old, but old enough to "know better."
I thought being a grown-up, married and kids would be so cool. And it is, but it is also a lot of work and responsibility. HA!

To celebrate my MIL took us to the Children's Garden to play and then out to Abeulos. Yum!
Then on Sunday my mom made me one of my favorite dishes and my birthday brownies.
We did forewarn the fire department. :)

We were suppose to then head out to a local pumpkin patch, but it rained all day Saturday and Sunday putting a stop to those plans.

So we improvised and carved pumpkins instead.

My pumpkin, I prefer paint to carving.

Daddy and Lo's pumpkin.

Lo was under the impression it was her birthday and she was the princess. We were all to wait on her hand and foot. She insisted dinner be taken on the veranda. Papa was her dinner companion and was to get her whatever she needed. Wow! She is a mess some days. HA!

And this sweet boy napped the party away. Of course if we were at home he would have slept all of 20 minutes. Happy Birthday to me. ;)


  1. I made those delicious brownies!! Thank you very much!! :D Well lucky you, cuz you have a young 20 yr old sister that you can live thru...hahaha
    LOVE U!

  2. I just did a post about this when I turned 29 over the summer. It's a little weird for me to be so close to 30 already! Where the heck did my 20's go?!


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