
27 October 2011

Do You See a Difference?

This is the question I have been asked by everyone since about 2 minutes after Micah came out of surgery. It is pretty crazy that it has nearly been a week since that day. In some ways it feels like we just got home yesterday and in other ways if feels as if it was months ago.

Back to the question. I am not sure I see a difference yet.

I haven't seen any spit-up in a week. I walk around the house and find burp cloths and just stare at them, thinking do I need these any more? This isn't the first time Micah has been spit-up free for a week, so I am still sort of hesitant; I think after it has been 3-4 weeks of no spit-up it might finally sink in that all this was for something.

Micah still struggles a bit with his feeds. I think he gets so hungry he over-eats his oatmeal and then you can see he is struggling like his body wants to puke but can't. Makes me sad for him.

The biggest difference I see is that we are going through 2x the amount of diapers than pre-surgery. We use to go through 4ish diapers per day. He just hardly ever peed and #2 was a rarity. Sort of makes me feel bad that I didn't realize that he wasn't hydrated enough because he was always puking up all his feeds. I thought he was just peeing out all his IV fluids still, but obviously that can't still be the case, it is he is actually keeping his feeds down. We even are getting more regular too.

He is also very happy. I can't tell if he is happier than pre-surgery, but he is happy and that is all that matters when you see that cute little boy smile.

Finally, while we still aren't sleeping through the night he is napping better and longer, most likely due to staying full.

Stats: 14# 10z. He has yet to gain. He is actually down 2z from his 9 month well baby check, but the same wt as his pre-surgery wt. So no improvement yet?!? So there will be a few more weekly weight checks in our future.

I am so glad all of this is behind us and it can just fade into a distance memory. Again I can't say thank you enough to everyone who prayed and encouraged us along this long road.

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