
21 October 2011

Surgery for MW {Recovery}

{Friday @ 245p}
Dr. M just came out! He is out of surgery and she is very pleased with how things went. Evidently, they missed placed/lost some sort of surgery instrument that was integral to Micah's surgery, thus causing a 45 minute delay.
Micah is expected to be groggy and sleepy for the rest of the day. He is doped up on lots of pain meds. He isn't allowed to feed until around 7am Saturday, so pray that he won't be "hungry fussy." I am just so ready to get my hands on my little boy. I have been just an internal wreck this whole time.
Ok time for us to go back to recovery.

{Friday PM}
When we finally got back to our room Micah was just so groggy, he just slept on my chest and then would wake up and cry out in pain. Bless his heart. One of his five lapo incisions was bleeding {nothing major, just needed a fresh band-aide and gauze} and he had pulled out his IV. Great. When the IV team came to placed the IV I was so nervous. Micah is strong and a fighter, but they managed and he didn't seem to mind to much, thankfully they numbed the area up pretty well beforehand. I kept telling him this is where the good drugs come from. HA!

{Saturday AM}
Well, I got so caught up in taking care of my baby bear, I never hit the post button.
Last night was pretty good considering. We had She recognized the need for him to rest and recover, so she checked on him minimally. She was still in and out every 1-2 hours to run vitals, but she was so stealth about it, sometimes I barely woke up when she came in.

I was so worried about the not eating thing, but he didn't seem to mind too much until 5a, his usually morning nurse time. We doped him up again on morphine and that seemed to help his pain and made him groggy. About an hour later just as I was about to doze off for my 10th cat nap, I heard Micah talking. I look over and he is just sitting up in his bed like all was well! That did my heart good. We rocked, played and dozed on and off for about and hour and half. Finally Dr. M came in and gave the orders to nurse! Hip hip horray. He did phenomenal. So far no problems.

He has been fairly happy boy this morning and just trying to do his normal Micah thing. Although, you can tell when he is starting to over do it, which doesn't take more than 20 minutes at this point.

Thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. We so appreciate it!

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear the good news!! I pray he continues to progress like he is so far!


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