
09 March 2012

A Day at Pre-K, I mean Early Childhood Program

Yesterday we took Lo to Pre-K Early Childhood class to observe. We are looking into her possibly being a peer model for our district's Early Childhood classes in the fall. These classes have "at risk" kids that need extra help and obviously we all learn best from our peers, so she would get pre-k early childhood classes and she would be helping her friends. Win win.

However, it was so weird watching her in school. I am not ready for that. She jumped right in and sat in circle time and went to their music class and had a blast. Even Micah showed signs of being ready for school. He just sat there and just soaked it all in. It was amazing. Matter of fact he seems more ready than her! HA! It is a 4 day a week program and Chad and I decided we aren't ready for her to do that yet. I really just wanted a 1 or 2 day program. Probably looking more for a MDO {mother's day out} program I realize. We just don't want her to start school at 3.5. She has the rest of her life to be in school. Now is the time to play.

Last night while she was in the tub, I asked her what she thought of her pre-k early childhood class. She said she liked it, but was not ready to go. She wants to stay home and play. HA! When you ask her about her day the best part was when she was playing recess! God love her. I told her that is ok mommy and daddy want her to play as long as she can. Pre-k Early childhood can wait another year. Mommy just can't let you go yet.

It was a big day and wiped both kids out. Learning is hard work. HA!


  1. Good decision:) HA She is so like me in that manner! I wanted to comment the other day about you wanting her to go to "school" and I didn't. But take me for example, I made it in life and even made it thru college. Most thought I would not even bother with college b/c of my personality, but I did it and was A OK!! I also have to say that I went to school for recess and social reasons too--you know that, but when it was time for ME to pick what I could learn aka college I LOVED it and succeeded!!

  2. I wish there were more parents today who had your attitude about school. There are too many parents who can't wait to have their children in school. I've taught Kindergarten for 25 years and find that the students who are the most "ready" for school are the students who have the opportunity to play and learn in a loving environment. Just because children are in preschool has nothing to do with the success they will have in school. Enjoy every minute with your little ones!
    Mrs. B.

  3. Keep her home as long as you can. You won't ever regret it. My kids never went to pre-school and they do just great in school. The 3 that are in school are all at the top of their class. Preschool is great for some, but definitely not a necessity! Just my humble opinion. :)


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